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Stripped Bounty Page 11

  He dipped his head and stared at her. “Don’t bullshit me about this. He told you where it was and you didn’t go get it?”

  “Fine. I went and looked, but it wasn’t where he said it would be.”

  “Right.” He sighed through his nose. “Fine. So, the dealer is here now, and he’s looking for his cash. That’s who you saw, right?”

  “Yeah, but he’s supposed to be in jail. They arrested him.”

  “Then he either escaped or he’s out on bail, and obviously he wants his money, Rosie. Why does he think you have it?”

  “How the fuck should I know? Maybe he’s assuming! Or maybe he’s just got a vendetta!” She pressed the heel of her hands to her eyes as frustration pounded through her like thunder. “From what I heard, word got around pretty fast in that world because he got careless trusting a runner he didn’t know well enough. That’s how he got caught. People talk.”

  “That’s one hell of an ego hit for a dealer. What’s his name and how big time is this guy?”

  “Alvaro Balzan. I don’t really know how big he is. I stayed away from that shit, wanted no part of it.”

  “Let me tell you, baby, regardless of whether or not you wanted it, your man dragged you right the fuck into the middle of it. How much money are we talking?”

  She slammed her hands down on the table. “Again, how the fuck should I know, Badger?”

  Badger blew out a harsh breath. “You need to calm your ass down and quit talking to me like I’m the goddamn enemy. You got a dealer after you and from the sounds of it, he’s carrying a pretty fucking bruised ego. Because of that, he’s wanting his money back to ease it. Apparently he thinks you have his cash.”

  “Well, I don’t fucking have it.”

  He smoothed his hand over his jaw, eyes boring into her like a hot poker. “Then how about we call the police. If what you’re telling me is true, they should’ve already been protecting you.”

  She stared at her blunt fingernails and jagged cuticles. “Yeah well, they’re not. I declined their protection. The scumbag was locked up with no bail set. What the hell did I need protecting from?”

  “Oh, hell. I don’t know, Rosie.” He shrugged. “Considering he’s here and not in Connecticut, locked up, protection might’ve been a good idea, don’t you think?”

  “Maybe. But you can’t call the cops, Badger.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you can’t.”

  He stood and leaned over the table toward her. “Rosie, you better come up with a better reason than that, and do it quick.”

  Fuck! “Just, please. Look, I didn’t tell them Joey called me that night. I didn’t tell them anything I knew. I didn’t want to be brought into the trial. I didn’t want any part of it, and I still don’t.”

  A groan sounding a lot more like a growl erupted out of Badger and Rosie swallowed past the knot that’d formed in her throat. He straightened, grabbed his coffee cup and moved to the counter. “Fucking hell, woman.”

  “I told you I didn’t want to involve you. I told you!”

  “Too late for that. Already involved. This guy? He ain’t gonna stop until he gets what he wants, which is likely you dead.”

  Rosie dropped her head in her hands as bile rose in her throat. She’d lied—lied straight to Badger’s face. Self-loathing crawled over her skin like a bunch of fire ants and her stomach folded in on itself.

  She never should’ve taken that fucking money. Or better, she should’ve just given it over to the cops when she found it. Talk about stupid. Joey wasn’t the only idiot in this game. But she’d already lied about hearing from her husband. And then they’d arrested Alvaro and Rosie’d just…

  She’d gone to the train station on her way out of town, heading for Arizona—dead set on starting fresh, expecting to find nothing. But sure enough, she found the key Joey’d hidden for her. Like a robot fueled by fear and anger, she went to the lockers and found what he’d sworn was their “future.” What a joke. She’d actually laughed when she opened that stupid locker and the black leather duffel bag was there.

  Without another thought—which was always the case when she wasn’t thinking straight and did something that landed her on a road called stupid—Rosie pulled the bag from the confines of the metal cube, let that small yellow door slam closed and walked out of the station like it was no big deal. And then got in her car and headed west.

  The fucked-up thing was, she hadn’t touched one red penny of that money. Not when her car broke down multiple times. Not when she’d arrived and had to set up house, either. She’d counted it, though. Fifty thousand dollars was in that black bag. It now sat hidden in one of the thousands of storage units located in the greater Phoenix area.

  A fifty-thousand-dollar future…one she had no intention of ever touching. Or giving back to that fucking sleeze-bag dealer, either.

  Badger stood at the sink, rinsing his empty coffee mug out. Rosie was lying. Had to be, but from what he could figure, she was sticking to her story. Not that he could blame her. He’d probably do the same thing if he were in her shoes. Just because Badger knew she could trust him, didn’t mean she knew that. Not yet anyway.

  Thing was, shit wasn’t adding up. The girl worked six days a week spinning on that chrome pole, so if she had the money, why do that? Why work that much when there was a pile of money to kick back and live off? It made no sense. So, maybe she was telling the truth. Setting the cup in the dish drainer to dry, he wiped his hands and faced her.

  She had her hands clasped together on the table, staring down at her knuckles like there was a hidden message there. Badger cleared his throat. “I’m grabbing a smoke.”

  “Okay. What should I do while you do that?”

  “Two empty drawers in my dresser. Room on the right side of my closet. May as well unpack because I think you’re gonna be here for a while.”

  She stood. “Wait, I don’t—we’re gonna live together? Badger, this isn’t—”

  “You got someplace else to go?” Badger pushed away from the counter and stepped toward the back door. “Somewhere else you think you’ll be safe?”

  “No. But…”

  He opened the sliding door and stepped outside. Rosie followed. He went to the table, slid a cigarette from the pack and lit it. The first drag was always the best, the burn in the back of his throat, soothing rather than irritating. He exhaled a stream of smoke and glanced over at her. “But what?”

  “We hardly know each other. Hell, we’re not even dating. And you think I’m just going to move in?”

  For fuck’s sake, the woman’s life was in jeopardy and she was worried about details and dating status. He took another drag and exhaled the smoke through his nose. “Like I said, you got someplace else to go? Somewhere else you think you’ll be safe?”

  “No, but—” She shifted her hips from side to side and raised her fingers to her lips, chewing her nails. “What about if I stay in your guest room. You have one I think, right?”

  Badger turned and faced her. “You planning on taking somebody else’s dick besides mine?”

  “What? No!” She jerked her head back. “Why would you ask me that?”

  “Like I said, I’m not done fucking you. Until I am, you’re in my bed. Not my goddamn guest room. We clear?”

  She crossed her arms and shot him a glare. “What happens when you’re done fucking me?”

  “Cross that bridge if we come to it.” He drew on his smoke. “Now, we clear?”

  She threw her arms up in the air and let them drop, flopping them against her hips. “Fine.”

  “Best get to unpacking then.” He took another drag off his cigarette. Rosie stormed back in his house and Badger’s lips twitched in a grin. Fucking drama queen and her temper tantrums. A damn target on her head, and she’s worried about where she’s sleeping? Different. So fucking different.

  Didn’t most women want to have a guy let them move in? Let the dude take care of them? It was like Rosie was wired wrong or s
ome shit. Badger shook his head and stubbed out his cigarette.

  After heading back inside, intent on making some calls, he peeked in his bedroom. She was there, busy unloading her clothes, finding the spots he’d told her to use. Good. Badger moved to the spare room he used as an office. The first two things on his list had been accomplished. Rosie unpacking her shit and getting settled had become the third.

  Now, it was time for the fourth. Badger needed to do some discreet investigating in Connecticut to find out if Mr. Alvaro the drug dealer had skipped bail. If he had, then this whole situation would be wrapped up nice and quick.

  But Badger had a feeling nothing about this was going to be nice or quick.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rosie flipped through the channels on Badger’s television, buzzing with nervous energy from head to toe. She’d finished unpacking her things hours ago and even cleaned his already-clean kitchen. Nothing on TV was holding her attention and Badger hadn’t come out of his office for hours either.

  Tossing the remote on the coffee table, she got up and stretched. She needed to burn some of her anxiety off. Run laps, do jumping jacks…have sex. Ugh! Rosie glanced around the den for about the fiftieth time since she’d parked her ass on the sofa. Badger had a bookshelf in one corner of the room, stuffed full of books and photo albums. He appeared to have a love of sci-fi novels and horror. Neither were her favorites. She went straight for the photo albums and sat back down on the couch with a stack in her lap.

  Just as Evie had informed her, Badger had once been a member of a motorcycle club. Several of the albums were filled with pics of him and the other club members. Evie hadn’t told her why he’d left the club. But seeing the pics, Rosie was pretty damn curious to know the reason. He was younger in all the photos, though how young she couldn’t tell. Hell, she had no idea how old he was now. In fact, she had no idea about a lot of things where Badger was concerned. Except that he was a bounty hunter and amazing in bed. And dominant as all get out. In some of the pictures there was a woman either on his lap or next to him. But it was never the same woman twice. Apparently, he didn’t keep them around long.

  Rosie tiptoed down the hall, not wanting to disturb him but too curious not to find out what he could be doing for so long. Besides, it was almost five p.m. and she was getting hungry. Also, she needed to be at work in another couple hours. Rosie peered around the corner of the doorway, doing her best to be quiet.

  Badger glanced up briefly from a notebook he was writing in, but quickly focused on it again. “You need something?”

  “Yeah, I’m kinda hungry.” She stepped inside the doorway and approached his big wooden desk.

  He continued writing. “Fridge is stocked. So’re the cabinets. Go fix something.”

  Rosie rounded the side of it and rested her bottom against the edge beside him. “Okay, in the mood for anything?”

  He gave her, or rather her hips and where her ass was pressed to the desk, another quick glance and again went back to his notebook. “Surprise me.”

  “Surprise you?” She crossed her arms and sighed. “I don’t even know what you like. Hmm, okay then. I have to be to work soon, so I guess I’ll see what I can make that’s quick.”

  Something she’d said got his attention and Badger stopped writing, put the pen down and looked up at her. “Rosie, you’re not going to work.”

  “Yes, I am—wait. Why not?”

  He leaned back in his chair and linked his hands over his tight stomach. “Oh, let’s see, baby. Maybe because there’s a drug dealer after you?”

  “I can’t just sit around here and do nothing. I have to work. I have to support myself.”

  “Guess you’re gonna have to just sit around here and do nothing because there’s no way in hell you’re going to work. In fact, while I’m thinking about it, you best call Evie. Tell her your grandmother died or something and you won’t be in for the next week.”

  Was he out of his damn mind? She had bills to pay. Plus there were regulars who came in to the cabaret just to see her. She had an obligation to be at work. Rosie blew out an exasperated breath. “A whole week? No. I’m not doing that. I have to support myself, Badger. What? You planning on supporting me now? Jesus Christ, I have responsibilities, you know.”

  The glare he gave her almost made her flinch, but she managed to keep it together. Badger growled and got to his feet. “I swear to the devil, you are the only goddamn stripper I know that actually has a work ethic. What the fuck is that about, woman?”

  What in the hell did he mean by that? Lots of dancers cared about their jobs. Not all, but she’d known plenty over the years. Maybe. Okay, maybe not plenty, but definitely a few. But still. “Yeah, well you’re the only patch-holder I know that has fucking coasters, so I guess we’re both a goddamn mystery, huh?”

  “Former patch-holder.” He gripped her sides, picked her up and sat her on his desk. “Besides, I’m not that much of a mystery since you’ve obviously been snooping through my things.”

  “I was bored. You have photo albums.” She tried to look innocent, but she doubted he’d fall for it. He pressed forward and Rosie parted her legs, allowing him to slide between them.

  “Now you need to be entertained?”

  He smoothed his big palms up her thighs and around to her ass. Jeez, he felt good pressed against her, so good Rosie circled his neck with her arms and held him just a little closer. “No, not exactly. But it’s been hours. What are you doing in here anyway?”

  “Work.” He ran his hands up her sides.

  Rosie let out a less than dignified snore. “Yes, work. Got that. What kind of work?”

  “Digging up info on bad guys.”

  “Ah, bounty hunter work.” She traced his hairline at the back of his neck.

  He dipped his chin, tilting his head to the side. “How much snooping did you do exactly?”

  “I didn’t snoop that part.” She rolled her eyes. “Evie told me you were a bounty hunter, but aside from that, don’t worry. You’re still a mystery.”

  “What about this.” He nipped her bottom lip. “That a mystery?”

  Rosie sucked in a breath as lust filled her belly. “Mmm. Nope. I got acquainted with that last night.”

  “Yeah? How about this?” Badger cupped her face in his palms, tilted her head to the side and met his lips with hers.

  Rosie opened for him and he slid his tongue inside her mouth. Hot, wet, and without mercy, he kissed her. She arched closer, sucking in air through her nose as he devoured her mouth like he was starving. When he finally pulled away they were both breathing heavy. Rosie pressed her forehead to his. “Yeah, no. That’s not a mystery, either, but I don’t think I’m done exploring it.”

  Badger moved his hands up her shirt, thumbing her nipples. “How ’bout my cock. You done exploring that?”

  Immediately her nipples hardened into tight points and her pussy flooded with moisture. He sure did know how to ramp her up quick. “No way I’m done exploring that.”

  “Show me. On your knees, now.” He stepped back from her and cupped the hard bulge in his jeans before popping the top button and sliding down the zipper.

  Rosie licked her lips, hopped off the desk, and went straight to her knees. Anticipation burned through her like a wild fire and she tilted her head back to gaze up at him. She wanted what he was about to give her. Bad enough she’d beg if he told her to. Badger had made sure last night that she understood who was in charge. And who would be in charge going forward. He’d shown her this earlier that day as well.

  Rosie had worried she might regret giving herself up in this way, and for a few minutes earlier in the day, she’d pushed back on him. No matter how much control she allowed him, Rosie still had a mind of her own and an opinion, most certainly an identity. Making sure Badger was clear on all of it was incredibly important to her. But aside from that, as far as the sex went, as far as what she knew he’d give her in exchange for her submission? She had no regrets or reservations. />
  Rosie wanted the freedom she felt last night when she surrendered her will to him. She was sure she could never do that with anyone else. But with Badger…it was different. He was different.

  “Hands behind your back.” After pushing his jeans and briefs down his hips, Badger pulled his hard cock free and fisted it. “You want this, baby?”

  “Yes, sir. Very much.”

  “Good girl. Open for me.” Badger inched forward and ran the head over her lips, coating them with the drop of pre-ejaculate that’d emerged from the tip. “Eyes on me.”

  Rosie kept her gaze locked with his as he teased her mouth with the swollen crown of his prick. Her breath sawed in and out of her as her arousal built, and she laced her fingers at her lower back and squeezed her hands together. She wanted to suck and lick, but he was making her wait.

  She was so used to taking charge, deciding what she wanted and then just taking it, she struggled to control herself. But the desire to please him held her still.

  Rosie knew he’d give her what she wanted…in time.

  Badger stared down at the woman on her knees before him. God, the things he wanted to do to her. Fuck that, the things he would do to her. Because it appeared as though he didn’t have to hold back. At all. Last night, he’d shown her how things would go, instructed her on his expectations. She’d agreed. Now here she was, a firm “yes, sir” from her, hands held willingly behind her back, eager mouth open as he gloried in the feel of her soft lips on the edge of his dick.

  He told her he wasn’t done fucking her, and that was the God’s honest truth. But the way she made every inch of his skin get tight by just looking at her, at the same time making his cock go rock hard, Badger feared he might never be done fucking her.

  With a tight grip on the shaft, he tapped the head on her warm and wet tongue, letting her have a taste of his come. She moaned and his balls drew up tight, his prick so hard it throbbed in time with his pulse. “Keep your mouth open. Do not suck until I tell you to. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”