Stripped Bounty Page 13
She dropped her arms and placed her hands on her hips. Then looked away from his gaze. All drama. He hadn’t seen too much of it this week, but now it was in full swing. He waited, curious to see what she might do next. He heard Wolf’s low chuckle behind him. Yeah, his best friend had gotten it right, she was definitely feisty. Badger liked that a little too much, too.
When she didn’t move, Badger decided to give her a nudge—in the form of a one-word statement—to get her ass in gear. “Woman…”
She blew out a harsh breath, her chest rising and falling with it, before moving toward him. “Fine.”
Drama still on high volume, Rosie brushed past him. Again, Badger had to suppress a laugh. For sure after he was done briefing Wolf on their situation, he’d enjoy paddling her ass ’til it glowed pink for this little particular fit. “You get it all out your system?”
“Whatever. Leave me alone.” She continued into the house.
“She like this all the time?” Wolf took off his leather jacket.
Badger followed suit, removing his leather as well. “Only been a week. Too soon to tell. Let’s grab that beer. Got shit to tell you.”
“Right behind you, brother.”
After grabbing a couple bottles from the fridge, Badger settled on his back patio with Wolf and lit his first cigarette. Like earlier that week at the bar, he didn’t want to involve anyone else in Rosie’s mess, but his boss was right. Based on the intel he was digging up on Alvaro, he was going to need the backup. He’d be stupid not to let a trusted few in on what was going down. Deuce and Wolf were the only two men in that category.
Badger had a lot of acquaintances, some he might even refer to as friends…but few were actual, true friends. Deuce and Wolf were pretty much it. His relations with them dated back to his old MC days. Bonds were formed during those years between the three. Strong ones that would never be broken. Of that, Badger was certain.
“Planning on sittin’ there all night, sucking on that cancer stick and barley and hops, or you gonna spit out what’s going on?”
Badger chuckled before taking another swig of beer. “Yeah. Getting there.”
“You in some sort of trouble?”
“Not sure. Might be.” He glanced over his shoulder into the house through the sliding glass door. Rosie was on the couch, blanket on her lap, tablet on top of that. Christ, she was adorable. “She’s got some shit swirling around her.”
“Hold on a sec. You brought trouble into your world over some pussy? Brother, that ain’t like you. The fuck is that about?”
A growl rumbled out of Badger and he snapped his gaze back to Wolf. “Let’s get something straight real fucking fast. I love you, you’re my brother, but that woman in there, she ain’t just pussy. So watch it.”
Wolf raised his hands in defense. “Whoa, go easy. But hey, you know as well as I do, there’s never been anything for you but ‘just pussy,’ so forgive my mistake. Then if you don’t mind, to ease my shock, what’s so different about this one?”
“Fucking. Everything.” He lit another cigarette. “Truth be told, I don’t know what Rosie is yet, but she’s definitely more than just pussy.”
“All right then. How ’bout you tell me what you do know.”
“I know she’s full of drama and prone to little temper tantrums. I got my ways of handling that.” Badger shook his head, pushing away the images of exactly how much he liked “handling” Rosie and how much she liked being “handled,” and took a draw of his smoke. “I also know she’s in a fuckton of trouble. And I’m gonna get her out of it.”
“Define trouble?”
“There’s a dealer from her past, more specific, her dead husband’s past, in town looking to make an example of her by way of putting her in the morgue.”
“No bueno.”
“Exactly.” Badger stared out into the dark expanse of his backyard. There was no other way to describe this sitch than to say it sucked. Plain and fucking simple.
As he laid everything out for Wolf, Badger knew his friend would have his back. Deuce would, too. Together they’d get Rosie through the shit-storm that’d come calling. One way or another, Badger would make sure of it.
Rosie’s ass was planted on the couch, reading—or trying to read—while Badger kept his ass outside with that Wolf guy. On occasion one of them would come in, grab another beer or hit the bathroom, only to disappear through the sliding glass door again. Both moved around her like she was invisible or something. She hated it. It was annoying beyond belief. And really, what kind of woman named their child “Wolf?” “Same kind of woman who names their child, Badger,” she mumbled. “Weirdos.”
They were likely just nicknames, ones they’d earned like real bikers in an MC often did, but it was still weird. Never mind the fact that Badger would probably never tell her his real name. It kind of sucked not knowing, but whatever. He didn’t want her to know, so she wasn’t going to ask again. With another huff, Rosie adjusted the blanket and focused on the screen of the tablet again. And read…the same line for about the fiftieth time. Ugh! So stupid. What the hell were they doing out there for so long? What on earth could they be talking about? Her? Her mess? A bolt of concern shot through her. Jesus, she hoped not. Rosie didn’t know Wolf, but she sure didn’t want him involved.
Badger was already at risk, she felt bad enough about that. And she knew he’d filled Deuce in, too. Guilt marked her insides like a black stain. God, the last thing she wanted was something to happen to Deuce and Evie. They were good people.
She stared out the glass door again, biting her nails. In an effort to distract herself, she focused on Wolf. His hair was blonde with highlights throughout, likely from the sun. And it was long. Really fucking long. He wore it pulled into a low ponytail at the nape of his neck, which hung all the way down to his lower back, touching his belt. There were black elastic hair ties every couple inches down the length of the tail to secure it.
Odd it wasn’t braided, but then she remembered. No braid in long hair on a biker pretty much signified the dude was single. If Wolf had a woman, she’d have no doubt braided it for him. It served as a signal to all other chicks that a man was off limits. Surprising he didn’t have a girlfriend, though. The guy was gorgeous, in a totally anti-biker way and more of a rugged romance cover-model way. Big muscles, sparkling clear blue eyes, (maybe that’s where the name came from), and a long blonde goatee. The mustache part was grown in a Fu Manchu style, longer than the chin hairs.
Guys with long hair weren’t her thing. Blondes weren’t, either. But on Wolf, with the blue eyes and genuine smile, it was a lethal combo. Plus, he had two guns holstered and mounted upside down on his lower back. Rosie had never seen anything like it before. And he had a huge freaking knife in a leather sheath strapped to his right thigh. Because one weapon wasn’t enough apparently. Three were far better. Rosie snorted. Talk about a biker’s version of the wild, wild west. Translation: The dude might be hot, but he also looked lethal as hell.
Rosie blinked, glancing away as both men were suddenly heading for the door. Badger had caught her staring at his friend. Shit. He was going to be so pissed. Except, what the fuck? It wasn’t like they had some sort of commitment or something. They were fucking. That was it. And she was only looking. A girl could look at the menu as long as she didn’t order off it.
They both moved past her toward the formal living room and Badger clapped his friend on the back. “’Preciate you comin’ by, brother.”
“Anytime, man. You know that.” Wolf looked back toward the couch, his gaze locked on Rosie. She bit her thumbnail and shifted under his penetrating gaze. “It was nice almost meeting you. Maybe we’ll get to chat next time, darlin’.” He smiled that killer smile of his before turning away, and Rosie felt her cheeks get warm.
For the love of all things! She fanned herself. He was steamy hot, but Badger was still hotter. Most definitely. Badger was breathtaking. And Badger was fan-fucking-tastic in bed. He was a grumpy asshole, too, bu
t, yeah. Whatever. So far the sex rocked. Rosie closed her eyes and let her head fall back on the arm of the couch as she felt the rest of her body get warm; a craving for Badger she’d become accustomed to feeling swirled through her system.
As if on cue, reality plowed its way through her lust-filled desire and she frowned. Her life was in danger, serious danger, and she was horny? How fucked up was that? Though it hadn’t stopped her from shamelessly sucking his dick whenever he commanded her to, or riding his face, or cock into orgasm heaven at any time that week.
“Bed. Now.”
Rosie opened her eyes to find Badger above her, his face upside down, staring down at her with an expression in his eyes she could not read. “Yes, sir.”
He walked away, and she cringed as she got to her feet, totally unable to stop the sudden lust pulsing hot and fast through her veins, nor the automatic response to his command that’d flown out of her mouth. Rosie followed him to the bedroom. Praying as she navigated the hallway that if she was in trouble, it would be the kind that brought her to orgasm and not the kind that brought her to tears. Unless of course, the orgasm was so good, she was in tears afterward. Which had already happened a couple of times that week.
Good grief, she was so screwed.
Chapter Eighteen
Badger stalked into his bedroom and clicked on the bedside lamp. When he turned, Rosie was standing in the doorway, nibbling on her nails. He jerked his chin in her direction. “You hungry?”
She dropped her hands away from her mouth. “No. Why?”
He yanked the blankets to the foot of the bed. “The way you keep eating those nails of yours, I figured you might be.”
“Very funny. I bite my nails. So what. Quit picking on me.”
He smirked. “I can think of better uses for that mouth.”
“Yeah, I bet you can. Can I bite that, too?” She crossed her arms.
Feisty. Mouthy. Fucking dramatic.
Pissed him off and made his dick hard at the same time. They’d been together several times already—he’d actually lost count, but Rosie knew what that attitude of hers would gain her. Unless…
Badger tilted his head to the side, dipping his chin as he looked her over. Unless she wanted to be punished. That he could do.
He unbuckled his belt and slid it free of the loops. “That attitude of yours needs some correcting. Also, don’t think I didn’t notice you looking Wolf up and down like he was something you wanted to make a meal of. Take off your clothes. Stand at the foot of the bed. Legs shoulder-width apart. Bend over and take ahold of the footboard.”
Rosie’s eyes went wide and a little gasp escaped, but then she was moving. Doing as he’d ordered. Yeah, she wanted it. Likely needed it, too. She may not be a traditional sub, but with him, she was for sure his bottom. He had no problem whatsoever being her top.
She had a strong personality, though most all subs did, or should anyway. But Rosie was different. There was that word again. Every fucking thing about her was different for him. She wasn’t his typical “pussy,” as Wolf had pointed out earlier. But Badger suspected he wasn’t her typical cock, either.
He didn’t know shit about her relationship with her husband, and he didn’t want to know. He was more interested in the here and now and the fact that this woman had gotten naked for him, almost instantly, and was currently bent over his bed, waiting for her punishment. His dick was rock solid, simply because she’d obeyed his command. Far be it for him to keep either of them waiting any longer.
Badger took off his shirt and stepped behind her. “You were hoping for this, weren’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You need it, Rosie?” He smoothed his palm down her lower back to the curve of her ass, loving how she trembled when he touched her.
“Never thought I’d say this, but yes, sir. I think I do.”
“Good girl.” He slid his fingers between the cleft of her ass. “Tell me, Rosie. You want Wolf’s cock?”
She shook her head before glancing over at him. “No. No, sir. I swear I don’t.”
“Eyes forward.” She quickly looked away and he continued stroking between her ass cheeks. “Saw you looking at him. Kinda looked like you wanted a taste. I gotta worry ’bout you stepping away from my cock for his?”
“No. Never, Badger. Never.” She started to look at him again but caught herself and stopped.
“Good to know.” He slid his fingers between her legs and stroked over the mouth of her cunt. Badger knew she didn’t really want Wolf. But she had been looking, and she needed to understand that Badger had seen it and didn’t much care for it. He wasn’t the jealous type, at all. Never had been, anyway.
This wasn’t about jealousy—at least that’s what he tried to tell himself. But then again, he didn’t like watching her when she worked the floor at the club. Watching her eye Wolf struck a different and deeper chord in Badger. He and Wolf had shared a few chicks in the past. But this was different. This was Rosie, and Badger had no intention of sharing her with anyone. “Gonna use my belt on you tonight. Think you can handle it?”
Rosie moaned and arched against his touch. “I…I don’t know.”
“You can. But just in case, you remember the safe word?” He dipped his fingers into her hot core. Somehow he managed to stifle his groan, but his dick got twice as hard. She was dripping and he hadn’t even done a thing to her yet. Perfect.
“Oh God! Yes…mmm…” Rising to her tiptoes, she panted a breath. “I remember, sir.”
Badger drew her wetness to her clit, spreading the slick juices around the tight nub. “Say it for me.”
“Berry… Fuck that feels so good.” She rocked her hips.
“Good girl. Look at you all slick and hot for me already.” Badger pressed two fingers inside her pussy. “We’ll see how wet you are when I get done making your ass candy-apple red.”
She moaned, rolling her hips in time with his strokes. “Yes, sir.”
Badger pulled away and stood behind but just to her left. Once more he smoothed his palm over one ass cheek and then the other. “We’ll start slow and build it from there.”
She nodded, but Badger let it go at that, he didn’t need a response. With the belt looped in half and held tight in his right hand, he smoothed the curved end of it down her spine to the crack of her ass and over each mound of her buttocks. A visible shiver ran through her body and she arched as he stroked between her thighs with the leather.
Badger’s cock jerked, throbbing behind his zipper. Fuck, she was ready and begging for it, and she was going to love it. Somehow knowing that she’d probably never done anything like this in her life, amped his need for control up even higher. Yeah, he’d spanked plenty of ass with his hand or a belt, riding crop, flogger, you name it. But none of that other pussy compared to right now with Rosie. Not a single one of them.
Plus, the fact that he’d been the one to pop her Dom/sub-Top/bottom cherry had pushed things far over the edge of hot for him. It’d been like that all week. Hot, hard, and dominant. Each time he’d taken her, and however he’d taken her. She’d wanted it and begged. It was fucking amazing.
He squared his shoulders, drew his arm back and keeping his swing controlled, struck across Rosie’s ass cheeks with the belt…and he knew it was a moment he’d never forget. The sound of the leather connecting with her fine skin echoed through the room and she rose on tiptoe, her skin already turning pink as she let out a lust-filled moan so potent Badger thought he might come in his pants.
Different. So fucking different… He closed his eyes and drew in a slow breath before he struck again.
Rosie’s ass stung like it’d been set on fire, but in the most delicious kind of way. Badger had only struck her once and she knew he hadn’t hit her very hard, but she’d almost come instantly. Over the last few minutes leading up to that moment leather had connected with flesh, he’d been building her arousal. Even as he’d questioned her about her attraction to Wolf
, her desire for Badger had only grown. Anticipation of what would come next, how high he would take her, raced through her veins as her heart thumped hard in her ears.
And then he struck her again, this time a little harder.
Rosie let out a guttural moan as she clenched her ass cheeks. She tried not to because holy God, it hurt, but it also felt so good. A literal contradiction of sensations tumbled through her body in an all out war with each other. Both winning.
“Relax, baby. Breathe.” Badger smoothed his palm over her hot skin.
She hissed at the new sensation his touch caused, but then his hand was gone. Rosie drew in a deep breath and let it out, forcing her body to relax. “Yes, sir.”
He struck again. This time a little lower on her bottom and harder. She moaned, long and low, her eyes rolling back in her head. Sweet Jesus. She had no idea it would be like this. And this was supposed to be a punishment for her mouthy attitude and checking out his best friend? Fucking hell, if this is what she got each time she shot him attitude, she planned on just being a bitch all the damn time. However, Rosie wasn’t stupid. She’d for sure curb-check the ogling of his friends in his presence.
The belt smacked home again. The loud crack of leather connecting with skin rang out around her and Rosie let out an even louder yelp followed by a moan. Holy fuck, she was going to come. The sound of the belt hitting her ass combined with the sting of the leather against her skin sent Rosie’s head spinning and all she could think was more. More…please.
“Goddamn that red glow is pretty.” He smoothed his palm over her burning flesh before slipping between her legs to her core. “Oh yeah, baby. Love this sloppy and dripping wet cunt.”
“Badger,” she breathed, arching as he pressed two fingers inside her core. Her channel clenched down on the welcome intrusion, and her clit pulsed. Holding her orgasm back would be impossible if he kept this up. But he hadn’t told her she could come yet. And as much as she wanted to obey him, disobeying him was becoming awfully appealing.