Spare Hearts Page 2
He cocked his head to the side, holding the towel in his hand. “Thanks. You could say I’ve spent some time in the lanes.” Sterling scooped up the ball from the return and spun it in the towel.
“I guess so. That’s one heck of a curve you got there.” She stepped closer and took the chance to get a close-up of his buzz-cut salt-and-pepper hair. Wonder if it’s as soft as it looks. “Here’s your Coke.” She placed the beverage on the half wall separating the bowling floor from the main area. “I’m just a holler away if you decide you’re wantin’ somethin’ else.” She stuffed her hands in her back pockets and looked up and down his tall body, enjoying the view. Good Lord, stop gawkin’ at the dude. Go back to the counter, Candy.
“Much obliged, ma’am.” He turned back to the pins for his next shot.
With his back turned, she took her chance to make a getaway back behind the counter. Where she could watch him. And his fine butt. His long legs. And his—Jeezus, stoppit! For the first time in… she didn’t know how long, she was damn glad the lanes were empty tonight. It meant she wouldn’t have to take her eyes off him for long, if at all.
She grabbed the stool behind the counter, straddled it, and watched him throw ball after ball down the maple and pine boards. Damn near every one made a strike. When it didn’t, Sterling changed position and picked up the spare. Lordy, the man rolled like a pro. But he sure looked different from any pros she’d seen on TV. Sterling Dey—what a cool name—was easy on the eyes. To be honest, how many bowlers were actually good looking? Especially the ones around here? And the pro bowlers? Forget it. But this cowboy was swoonworthy, for sure. He had skill, looked like real skill, too. It made him all the more appetizing to her. Could there be a sexier man out there? He sure does like those lollipops. Betcha I’m sweeter, cowboy.
With both elbows propped on the counter and her chin resting on her hands, Candy imagined how strong he might be and if all that power he pushed down the lane worked in the bedroom, too. Her skin prickled with goose bumps, and butterflies fluttered in her tummy at the thought of him giving her a spin with the impressive wrist skill he showed off. What would it take to get him in my bed?
“You look like you’re havin’ one helluva daydream, darlin’,” a voice with a familiar Texas twang said, interrupting that daydream. Candy glanced over at her friend. Never a hair out of place, and her makeup was always perfect, though she wore a ton of it. The woman could make Mary Kay herself proud. It was like seeing Flo from Mel’s Diner, but with bleached white-blond hair. Candy adored her, oddities and all.
“Take a gander over there.” Candy motioned with her chin toward Sterling.
“Howw-dyy. Who is that and can I have a taste of his lean muscles?” Trudie’s orange-lipsticked lips spread into a grin.
“No kiddin’. He looks all strong and lickable.”
“Tall, too.” Trudie propped a hip against the counter. “But too young for me.” She sighed.
They both stood there for a few minutes taking in their fill of the new stud in town until Trudie broke the silence again. “He’s one hell of a cranker.”
“Were you needin’ something?” Candy asked.
“Oh, hell. Tall, cool, and silver—like I like my gin and tonics—distracted me. I need some singles.” She handed Candy two twenty-dollar bills and a ten.
“No problem.” Candy opened the register drawer, pulled out a wrapped bundle of fifty ones, and handed them to Trudie. “How many you got in there tonight?”
“The usual pickled good ’ol boys and a few of the gray-haired ladies from town.” Trudie rolled her eyes. “Friday night excitement in Strawn, Texas, and Bowling Dreams is the hippest place to be.” She batted her thick lashes then fluffed her bleached white head of hair.
“You realize how scary that is, right?”
“Sure do.” Trudie strolled out from behind the counter and made her way back to the bar.
Now where was I? Candy focused her attention back on the best distraction she’d had in forever and watched as he rubbed his shoulder.
“You look like a man on a mission.” Candy moved around the counter and approached him. “I got ice in the back for your shoulder, if you want.”
“Thank ya kindly.” He ran his palm over his shoulder again. “I can’t help but wonder if a little heat might be more up my alley.”
“I think we have one of those instant heat packs in the office. You want me to check?”
“I may take you up on that later if it keeps up. Thanks.” Sterling leaned against the half wall and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
Shifting her weight to one foot, Candy rested her hand on her hip. “You throw one heck of a ball. You ever think of goin’ pro?”
“Think about it? Already done it.” He raised his hand, flashing her his champion ring, then removed his hat and swiped his palm over the top of his short hair before setting it back in place. “Planning on doin’ it again, too.”
“I knew you had too much talent for just any cowboy.” She tugged on the tails of her halter top and rolled to the balls of her feet as excitement pulsed through her. “That shoulder the reason you stopped, I’m guessin’?”
“Yup, damn fool injury took me out of the game for a while. Plannin’ on changing that, though.”
“Well, you’re lookin’ good from my angle.” She raised her hand and pointed at him. “Hey, wait! There’s a national tourney in Fort Worth next month, isn’t there?”
“That’s where I’m headin’. Gotta admit, I’m feelin’ real good about the way I’m knockin’ down the pins tonight.” He pulled another sucker from his bag. “Should be one heck of a ride.”
“Maybe you needed a little lucky charm around to show off for.” She batted her eyes at him. My Lord, did that just come out of her mouth?
“Maybe so.” He set his sucker, still in its wrapper, next to his glass. “Or maybe I need better candy.”
“Well, Sterling, I happen to know for a fact that Strawn has the best candy around for miles.” She looked up at him through her lashes. Candy couldn’t believe she was flirting like this with him. But she didn’t want to stop either. It was fun to cut loose with a guy for a change. “I’m gonna be closin’ up soon. You wanna practice awhile longer?”
“I think I’d like that, darlin’.” He took a sip of his Coke. “Don’t want to get you in any trouble, though.”
“I think I can keep the lanes open for you. Maybe I’ll even join you for a game.” She picked up his sucker from the ledge. “If I play with you tonight, you won’t be needin’ this.” Sweet baby Jesus, what was she doing? Turning, she moved back to the counter.
Candy never came on to men like she’d done with Sterling. Her hormones were taking over, ignoring all sense and reason, and before she knew it, she was flirting like a mare in heat.
With a deep breath, she looked down at the lollipop she’d taken from him in her hand, and pushed away any nervousness rolling around her tummy. He obviously didn’t mind, and if she let herself think on it any longer, she’d end up making some lame excuse about why she couldn’t stay open late for him.
Candy had been in high school when she met her ex-husband, and she’d had sex only once with one other person before Jared and none after. She’d had plenty of offers in the last couple of years since her ex left, but she hadn’t been interested in any of the guys in town. In truth, Jared had done such a number on her, she didn’t trust her judgment where men were concerned anymore. But Sterling sparked a fire inside her with his fine body and pretty blue eyes; to top it off, he was polite, too.
A long-missed throb pulsed between Candy’s thighs and her nipples tightened inside her bra. It’d been well over two years since she’d gotten laid and no one needed to know, and no one would know. The last thing she wanted was everyone in this godforsaken small town knowing she’d given it up to some traveling pro bowler. She had enough of a reputation with Jared, and his antics before he skipped town, leaving her high and dry, as it was.
he needed this, and why the hell not, right? He’d be gone before anyone was the wiser and she deserved a little roll in the hay. Fine as hell and not from around here? I think Sterling Dey needs to make my day. I’m goin’ for it.
Chapter 3
Candy cashed out the remaining customers, ignored the typical sleazy compliments from Toby, then counted out her and Trudie’s cash drawers. She looked around for Sterling and realized he’d probably headed to the men’s room, maybe hiding out until everyone had left. Smart man.
Joe and Trudie came over to walk out with her.
“I guess tall, cool, and silver took off?” Trudie shouldered her large designer knockoff purse.
“Sure did. Was fun watchin’ him, though. Lord have mercy, I could stand a bit more of that.” Candy fanned herself.
She told them both to go on without her, explaining she had some paperwork to attend to in the back office and would be a while. Nothing out of the ordinary, being the night manager and all.
“Tall, cool, and silver?” Joe snorted.
“Never you mind.” Trudie hooked her arm in Joe’s. “Don’t stay too late, sweetheart. You need your beauty rest.”
“I won’t. Night, y’all.” She locked the front doors after they both walked out.
With no sign of Sterling still, she grabbed her purse from beneath the counter and ran into the bathroom in the office behind the front desk. She needed to check her hair and makeup. Lord knew how she looked.
If she was a mess, he’d already seen it, though. Shaking her head at her silliness, she applied a little more lip gloss and adjusted her breasts in her push-up bra. Not like the girls needed to be any higher on her chest, but she guessed every little bit helped when you were looking to get a man naked.
“You still here?”
She poked her head out. “In the office, be right there.” She grabbed her bowling bag and made her way out to the front counter. “You ready to play that game with me?”
He arched one brow. “Sweetheart, we can do whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want, huh?” She made her way around the counter. “Set ’em up, cowboy. I may just kick your ass.” Giggling, she sauntered toward the lane.
“I might enjoy that.” Sterling followed her as far as the score machine, stopping to sit at the computer and set up the game.
Candy put on her bowling shoes and set her ball in the tray, then spun around. “You’re not married, are you, because if you are—”
“Hell no, I’m not married.”
“Good, me either.” She placed her hand over her heart as relief washed over her. She was no home wrecker.
“With all that flirtin’, it’s a little late to be asking me now, don’t ya think?”
“Oh Lord!” Candy covered her mouth with her hand, attempting to stifle a laugh. How embarrassing. He was right—it was a little late to be asking now.
He got up and stepped in front of her. “Don’t ever cover that perfect smile of yours.” He pulled her hand away from her mouth.
Heat crept its way up her chest, and her face got hot.
He stood so close she could smell his cologne mixed with a hint of clean soap. Pleasing, not too strong. She took a deep breath and looked up into his cornflower blue eyes.
“I believe you’re up, beautiful.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger.
“You sure you’re ready?”
“Bring it on, as they say.” He took a seat.
Nervous energy carried Candy onto the alley head. Please, do not fall into the gutter. She toweled her ball, gripped her rosin bag, then stepped to the far left, focusing her sight on the arrows. One, two, three steps forward, and she released with a snap from her right hand, following through with her arm in the air. Her ball flew down the lane and curved to the right, taking out eight pins. Shoot!
“Well, hot damn! You throw a backup ball,” Sterling hooted.
Candy spun around. “Yes, sir. Took me a few years to figure it out.” She gathered her ball up in her towel. “I’m a bit out of practice, though.” Back when she was with her husband, she’d bowled there on a league. Their teammate had helped her figure out her style and throw. It was plenty fun at first until Jared started acting a fool—getting drunk and starting fights with other bowlers. She’d quit the team and hadn’t bowled much since.
“Well, g’on then, pick up your spare.”
Sterling’s deep voice shook her from her thoughts. She beamed at him over her shoulder then lined up and nailed the spare. Candy let out a hoot of her own and strolled back toward him, putting a sway in her hips. “You’re up, pro.”
“All right then.” He stood and brushed his hand over her lower back as he passed her.
She shivered at the feel of his calloused palm on her bare skin, sat down, and crossed her legs. The throbbing in her sex doubling from the contact. Dear Lord. One little touch and she was ready to throw him down on the lane and have her way with him. It scared her a little, the way her body responded to him. Should she be doing this?
Candy drew in a deep breath, trying to calm her body, even just a little. Some regular conversation might help. Sterling threw his ball, and when he walked back to the return and grabbed his towel, she asked, “So how’d you hurt your shoulder?”
“Wouldn’t believe me if I told ya.” He scooped up his ball and proceeded to pick up the spare.
“Wha…” She narrowed her eyes as she watched the pins fall. “You can’t be serious?”
Sterling walked back toward her, a staid look on his face. He grabbed his hat, put it on, and tugged it low over his brow. “Serious as a heart attack, ma’am.”
“Come on, tell me.” She nudged his hip with her hand.
“You’ll laugh.”
“I swear I won’t.” She straightened in her seat. My word, the look on his face was grim as a voice from the grave. Considering the man had lost his pro status due to the injury, she guessed it was likely a sore subject for him.
“Promise?” He raised his brows.
“Cross my heart.” She traced an X on her chest and watched his focus dart to her finger and follow its motion, then back up to meet her gaze.
He cleared his throat and leaned forward in front of her, bracing his hands on his knees.
“All right, listen close, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once.”
Candy leaned forward and took a deep breath, preparing herself for whatever the story was. His warmth and clean masculine scent washed over her, distracting her for a brief moment, and she sighed. They were inches apart, almost nose to nose.
He narrowed his eyes and paused for what felt like forever. Finally he spoke. “There was a country bar in Tucson. Too much beer. A bet… and a mechanical bull.” He nodded once, never breaking eye contact. As if there was nothing more to say on the subject.
Had she heard him right? Candy ran his words through her mind again. Too much beer and what? Confused, she frowned and tilted her head to the side.
Sterling’s face softened and he winked at her.
Oh Lord, he was kidding. Thank God, he was kidding. Candy blew out a nervous breath. The humor of his words struck home and she clamped her mouth closed, trying for all it was worth to squash the laugh about to bubble up and burst out of her. Don’t laugh. Do. Not. Laugh. Shit. Oh my God. Aaand… the battle was lost.
Candy leaned back in her seat and burst into a fit of giggles so fierce her eyes began to tear. Through blurred vision, she watched him straighten and slap his hand over his heart.
“You promised!” he said. “You’ve broken my heart.”
“I’m… sorry.” She took a breath. “You’re… killin’ me…” Another gasp for air then more laughter.
Sterling lost his composure and started laughing with her. “Damn! You’re cute as hell gigglin’ like that.”
Candy fanned her face with her hands to cool down a little. “Lordy, I needed that.”
“Happy to be your personal comic relief.” He sat down next to her, a bright
smile adorning his sculpted face.
“You still didn’t answer my question.”
“Sure I did.”
“You were drunk and lost a bet with a mechanical bull?”
“Pretty much.” He shrugged.
Candy’s stomach fell and she clamped her hand over her mouth and groaned. How could she be so stupid? Land sakes, he was being serious? Now, she felt bad. The man was opening up to her and sharing this major thing in his life and she’d just laughed in his face. “Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry. I… I couldn’t help it; I thought you were pullin’ my leg. I feel like a horse’s ass now.”
“No need for all that. But no, ma’am, I wasn’t pullin’ your leg. In truth, I tell it that way ’cause it’s too damn embarrassin’ to begin with. Better to make a joke about it than have people know what a young fool I was.” He plucked up a piece of her hair and ran his fingers down its length. “I like that you laughed. Like I said, you’re damn cute when you do.” He let go of her hair.
“I can understand that, but I still feel bad. I’d love to hear the whole story sometime. And I promise, I won’t laugh for sure.” Candy knew there was more to it than he was letting on. She felt so bad for laughing and wanted to make it up to him, yes, but God as her witness, she wanted him to tell her the whole story.
“It’s not somethin’ I share all that often, so you’ll have to earn it.”
“Earn it, huh? We’ll see about that.” She paused as an idea struck her. “I think I need a beer.” She stood and ran off to grab one. Maybe she’d have a quick shot while she was behind the bar. A little liquid courage went a long way.
The idea that had sprouted in Candy’s mind was wilder than a green-broke stallion. She planned to earn that story out of him, even though he’d be long gone before morning and she’d likely never get to hear it.
She was more turned on by him than she’d ever been by anyone else, and she couldn’t figure out why. Was it his charming good looks, the mystery around him, or the fact that he made her laugh? Maybe it was all of the above.