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Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3
Shattered Heart: The Donnellys, Book 3 Read online
A crush is just a fantasy. The real thing packs some serious heat.
The Donnellys, Book 3
When Cynthia Donnelly lays eyes on her high school crush at her brother’s wedding rehearsal, she regrets her self-imposed, one-year moratorium on dating. If possible, he’s even hotter now than when they were teens.
Back in school, Shane made a point to ignore his best friend’s cute, sassy little sister. Now that she’s grown into an incredibly sexy woman full of Irish spunk, resisting her is out of the question. Besides, in his book, all “hands-off” rules have expired.
One sizzling night together should have been enough. Instead, the heat rises, tempting Cyn to take a chance on a long-distance relationship and making Shane consider pulling up stakes and moving back to L.A.
Cyn’s recently dumped ex, however, has other ideas. His quest to get her back escalates into violence, shattering Cyn’s faith in herself, and in anyone else of the male persuasion, and leaving Shane with his work cut out for him to repair the damage—or lose his shot at a once-in-a-lifetime love.
Warning: This book contains a physical assault. Buckle up for a bumpy emotional journey with the characters as they fall apart and then slowly find their way to healing, and to each other. You might get angry or tearful along the way, you may even get frustrated, but as is with any good love story, it’ll be worth it in the end.
Shattered Heart
Dorothy F. Shaw
This one’s for you, Mommy. For everything you endured and survived…and for everything you taught me. I’m strong because of you. Thank you for that.
Shout-out to my beta readers: Sunnie Andrews, Trenda “TBird” London and my cousin, Sherri Zak. Thank you so much, as always, your feedback was invaluable. To my cousin, Lisa Ruiz for her medical scene assistance. To Anthony Garcia for the U.S. Marine details and LAPD scene advisement. And to one of my best friends, author Sidda Lee Rain. Thank you for being the only eyes I had on this while it took shape! You saved my bottom for sure! #TheBraIsOff! #RedHairDontCare!
One I forgot to mention in Defensive Heart, book 2, is author Shawna (Thomas) Guzman… Chica, I could thank you a thousand times, plus a thousand times more and it would never be enough. You took me by the hand and molded, shaped, taught and then with a soft heart, but firm hand, taught some more. I could not have made it this far without you. I still have so far to go, but I will forever be grateful for you.
Chapter One
“Oh my God, Maiya! You look fucking incredible!” Cyn Donnelly scrambled to her feet and ran to her future sister-in-law’s side. She smiled, in awe of how beautiful her brother’s future bride looked in her gown. “I thought it was gorgeous when you settled on it a few months ago, but now that it’s been fitted? Yeah…in-fucking-credible.”
“I can’t even…” Maiya cupped her hands over her mouth, tears breaching the edges of her eyes, and gazed at Cyn in the large mirror in the bridal shop. She swished the tulle skirt from side to side. “I can’t believe it’s me.”
“Cynthia, please…language.” Cyn’s mother, Roseanne, frowned at her as she came to Maiya’s side too. “Maiya, you look perfect.” She stroked her hand down the back of Maiya’s hair. “An absolute angel, honey.”
Maiya stroked her fingertips over the strapless sweetheart neckline of the gown and then smoothed her palms down the beaded and sequined bodice. Cyn rolled her eyes at her mother, then took Maiya’s hand in hers and nodded. “Mom’s right, you’re an angel.”
“A tattooed angel, maybe?” Maiya giggled.
“Those are the best kind, especially in a mermaid gown that shows off all your amazing curves. Ryan is gonna pass the hell out when he sees you coming down the aisle.” Cyn squeezed her hand.
“Do you really think he’l—”
“Crap! I’m late! Where is she?” All three women turned around to see Jodi, Maiya’s best friend, come barreling around a rack of wedding gowns, blonde curls billowing behind her before skidding to a halt. “Oh, sweet Jesus and the blessed Virgin…” Jodi pressed her hand to her chest. “Maiya, you’re an angel.”
“That’s exactly what we said too!” Cyn laughed.
Jodi stepped in front of Maiya. “I don’t doubt it, Cyn. It’s like she fell from heaven or something. Turn around, Maiya. Let me see the back.”
“Oh my God, stop!” Maiya pressed her hands to her cheeks. “You guys are totally embarrassing me now.” With a laugh, Maiya rolled her eyes and turned around, facing the mirror again.
“I’m going to have them bring out your veil too.” Mom stepped away.
Settling in the seats behind them, Cyn watched as Jodi doted on Maiya, a giggle or two bubbling up in all the excitement. Ryan and Maiya’s wedding was this coming weekend and Cyn couldn’t be happier for them. A little over a year ago, her brother had met a woman who made everything in his life make sense, and in the process, his precious son, Jacob, would finally have the mother he so deserved.
For lack of a better word, it was a fairy tale. And although Cyn knew life wasn’t really like that, Ryan and Maiya came pretty damn close. Sure, they argued. Sure they got on each other’s nerves—after all, they were as opposite as two people could get. But in the end they connected and, in Cyn’s book, that equaled happy. She sighed and rested her chin on her fist. If only she could be so lucky.
Her mother returned and placed Maiya’s veil on the back of her long, thick red hair. The tulle hung to her lower back, turning an already perfect dress into an absolutely perfect ensemble. Maiya beamed, staring at herself in the mirror, and then her tears made another appearance. Jodi hugged her best friend and Mom held Maiya’s hand.
Yup, happy was exactly what this was.
Cyn’s phone chirped from her purse, the text tone letting her know exactly who it was before even having to check the screen.
Carlos: Not gonna make dinner.
Cyn: Are you serious? Carlos, this is really important to me. Why can’t you be here?
Carlos: Something came up at the office. Sorry. Will text later if anything changes.
She didn’t bother replying. Her boyfriend was blowing her off…yet again, and even if he really did have a valid reason, it didn’t matter because there was always some excuse, some reason why he couldn’t do whatever he might’ve committed to doing with her. Guaranteed, he wouldn’t text her later either, even if something changed.
Closing her eyes, Cyn swallowed down the golf-ball-sized lump of disappointment in her throat. She and Carlos had dinner plans with her other brother, Jimmy, and his girlfriend, Sonja. The couple had arrived last night from New York with Sonja’s daughter, Casey. Ryan and Maiya were coming too. It was supposed to be the six of them, but now, because Carlos was a grade-A flake, Cyn would be the fifth wheel at the table with four other happy people. Damn him.
For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she put up with his shit. Yeah, the sex was decent, but that was beside the point. It wasn’t about the sex for her. Worse, for the last few months, the only time the man showed up for her was when his dick was hard, but even that had tapered off. At least before, she could tell herself it was worth it. But now? Cyn took a moment and thought back to the last time they’d actually had sex…two weeks ago? Wow.
“Cyn, you’ve got that look on your face again. And your phone’s in your hand. Not a good sign.”
She looked up from the screen at Maiya and sighed. “Yeah, I know.”
Maiya put her hands on her hips. “He’s not coming, is he?”
o.” Cyn slid her phone back into her purse and stood. “But it doesn’t matter because today is your day, and we are not talking about my drama.” She kissed Maiya’s cheek.
“Roseanne? Can you please order your daughter to dump this dude? Please?” Maiya pulled her veil off and handed it to Jodi.
“Sweetheart, I wish I could. You know as well as I do, my kids do what they do, and I let them because if I didn’t they’d never find their way. Cyn knows I don’t particularly care for Carlos, and she also knows no one else does either. But she’s going to have to learn in her own time.”
“That’s what I always say, Roseanne. We’re raising adults, not babies. Best they learn their lessons in their time.” Jodi raised a hand in the air. “Not that y’all need me to put my two cents in. You’ve raised ten but I’m just saying, it’s nice to know I’m going about it the right way.”
Agitation prickled the skin on the back of Cyn’s neck. Learn in my own time, whatever. She crossed her arms and cocked one hip to the side. “Excuse me, but I’m standing right here.”
“And?” Maiya laughed. “Whatever. Not like it’s a secret how we all feel. Carlos is an asshole—sorry, Roseanne, for cursing—and you deserve better, Cyn. Now help me out of my dream dress and let’s go get our nails done.” Maiya turned and headed for the dressing room.
Cyn glanced at her mother, who was wearing a smile wider than the Grand Canyon. Jodi was too. Awesome. With an exasperated sigh, Cyn followed after Maiya. “Fine.”
Yeah, Carlos was an asshole, she knew it. But Cyn still loved him. Eventually, when it got painful enough, she’d let go and walk away. She just wasn’t there yet.
Chapter Two
Shane Conlon parked his rented SUV in the driveway of his oldest friend’s house. It felt like forever since he’d seen Joey Donnelly, and really, it had been. Serving his country, combined with never coming home to visit even years after tended to have that affect on his most-cherished relationships. Shane grabbed his large duffel bag from the trunk and approached the front door.
Before he’d made it up the first step, the door flung wide open and Joey walked out onto the stoop. “Holy shit, look at those gray hairs. You’re getting old.”
With a laugh, Shane approached him. “Backatcha, bitch.”
Joey clasped Shane’s outstretched hand and pulled him into an embrace. Goddamn, it was good to be home.
His best friend pulled away and clapped Shane on the shoulder. “So fucking glad you’re here. You’ve been away for too long, Shane.”
“Tell me about it.” Shane ran his hand over his close-cropped hair and blew out a breath.
“Come on, I got some people I want you to meet.” Joey grabbed Shane’s bag and ushered him into the house.
He followed Joey through a quaint living room and beyond, into the kitchen. A very pretty woman with long, curly, almost black, hair, sat at the kitchen table feeding an equally pretty child who was in a high chair.
“Stephanie, this is Shane.” Joey smiled.
She wiped her hands on a towel and stood. “My God, this is the infamous Shane Conlon? I’m so happy to finally meet you!” She approached him, and with no hesitation, pulled him into an embrace. “Welcome to our home.”
Shane wrapped his arms around her and knew, without a doubt, why Joey had fallen head over heels in love with the woman. “I don’t know about the infamous part. I will say, finally meeting the woman who tamed Joey is definitely a pleasure.” He pulled away and smiled at her. Her brown eyes sparkled with amusement, and he couldn’t help but wholeheartedly adore her in the span of a nanosecond.
“And this little dolly is the boss of the house. Madison, meet Uncle Shane,” Joey said.
The small child in his best friend’s arms had the same curly, dark hair as her mother and a face just as pretty. “Wow!” Shane ran his hand over the back of his neck. “Wow, Joe, she’s beautiful. Of course, because she takes after her mother.” He winked at Stephanie as he stepped over to Joey and the baby. “How old is she?”
“She’s just coming up on ten months. Not walking yet, but crawling everywhere.” Joey kissed his daughter’s cheek. “Isn’t that right, Madi?”
The baby babbled some sort of baby speak Shane wasn’t able to understand but found cute as hell as she patted her daddy’s face with her little hands. Shane ran his fingertips over her tiny arm, in utter amazement that Joey was a father. And a husband. A beat of regret rolled through him. He’d missed so much being away. Saying he was glad at the opportunity to come home and really spend some time was an understatement. “She’s beautiful. Just…beautiful, Joey. I couldn’t be happier for you.”
“Can I get you something to drink? Eat?” Stephanie touched his arm.
“I grabbed a quick bite on my way from the airport, but coffee’d be great if you have it.”
Stephanie laughed. “If we have it? Coffee’s the main staple in this house. There’s always a pot made, and if there isn’t then someone’s in trouble.” She moved to the cabinets and pulled down a mug. “Cream and sugar?”
“Got it. Just black, please, ma’am.”
“Hard core.” She nodded.
“It’s the Marine in him.” Joey placed Madison back in her high chair and filled the tiny spoon with whatever yellow mush the child had been eating when they’d walked in. “Have a seat, man. Tell me what’s new.” He fed the baby a mouthful.
Shane took the seat on the opposite end of the table from his friend, still amazed at the scene before him. “Well, since I got back from Afghanistan, I took advantage of my construction experience. Finally obtained my contractor’s license and have mostly been doing remodels and home additions.” Stephanie set a cup of coffee in front of him, and then took a seat. He smiled at her. “Thanks.”
“All those years serving paid off. So you’re doing well? Making a good living, I take it?”
“Damn good, I’d say. The best part is being back in the States. I tell ya, we really don’t know how good we have it until we spend some time in a country where people aren’t free.”
“I can’t even imagine.” Stephanie shook her head and then sipped her coffee. “Thank you for your service, Shane. I’m honored to have you in our home.”
“The honor is all mine, ma’am. But you’re welcome.” He nodded.
“Okay, enough with the ma’am. You’re making me feel old.” She laughed.
“Sorry, some habits don’t go away. You may have to adjust.” He winked.
“Hey, I echo Steph’s sentiments. Even if you do have a few gray hairs.” Joey chuckled. “Make yourself at home.”
“Thanks, man. It feels great to be here.” Madison let out a squeal and blew some raspberries, spitting baby food all over Joey. Shane burst out laughing.
“Madi! Oh, baby doll.” Joey looked at the splatter on his shirt. “Guess this just made the laundry pile.” Madison giggled before blowing another round of rasperries, and Shane laughed harder. “Daddy’s gonna get you for this. You just wait.” Joey stuck out his tongue at her and the baby giggled again.
“Welcome to my world.” Stephanie tossed Joey a towel as she laughed. “I’m thinking she’s done eating.” Stephanie stood, wet a washcloth and wiped the baby’s face and hands. “Go change, Joe, and maybe you boys can go sit out back. I need to get her in the bath.”
After pulling his wife down for a kiss, Joey got to his feet. “Grab your coffee, Shane. Head out through the slider. I’ll be out in a second. I want to hear all about life in Texas.”
“You got it.” Shane stood and headed through the sliding glass door off the kitchen area while Joey went to change his shirt. There wasn’t much to tell really, but he’d give Joey as much as he could. Shane was more curious about what’d been going on in his best friend’s neck of the woods. He’d missed so much, and considering he’d finally made it home to help his mother with some upgrades on her house, Sha
ne wanted to know all about what the Donnelly family had been up to while he’d been away. God, everyone had grown up and, being Joey’s best friend, Shane had spent the majority of his elementary, middle and high school life at their home. Spending family time with the Donnellys felt more like coming home than when Shane visited his own mother.
Chapter Three
Cyn dropped her keys onto the kitchen table and tossed her jacket over the back of one of the chairs. Dinner with her brothers and their significant others had been wonderful—of course after she’d given the typical excuses of why Carlos wasn’t with her, she’d endured the pity in everyone’s eyes because they knew, yet again, he’d let Cyn down. Regardless, she’d settled in with her family and had a nice meal.
Smothering a yawn with the back of her hand, Cyn made her way through the hallway to her bedroom, ready to strip down and let some hot water beat on her neck. She and Maiya had gotten really close over the last year, but Sonja, Jimmy’s girlfriend, had been the real center of Cyn’s attention. The woman was beautiful but had a layer of formal polish on her that had surprised Cyn. Sonja definitely wasn’t the type of woman she ever thought Jimmy would end up with. But as the night wore on, Cyn watched how Jimmy and Sonja interacted—which was to say, they bickered, joked, poked, prodded and teased each other. So much so, that Cyn was in awe and had to shove aside an unwelcome spike of jealousy that kept poking her in the stomach.
She was happy for her brother—both of them—but hell if she didn’t wish she’d found what they had.
With one last glance at her phone, Cyn stepped into the shower and washed the day away. She loved Carlos, and missed him all the time. Tilting her head back, the water ran over her hair. He just wasn’t there for her. Like, ever.
He had been in the beginning when things were fresh and new. But shortly before celebrating one year together he’d become distant and then, eventually, emotionally absent.